Residing in surrender


This playful take on Albert Hofmann’s Bicycle Day is probably the first work I created by making the paint ‘flow‘ with a toothpick. Applying this technique offers me the balanced alternation of consciously thinking about what I’m doing technically and meditating on the content, materials and whatever pops into my mind. However, it gives me the most blissful feeling whenever I feel like I’m working ‘automatically‘ or ‘habitually‘ and am not thinking about anything at that moment. At that moment I feel content. And to me, this imagery and what it represents is all about contentment, about a blissful surrender.

The title Entrance signifies the opening to new perceptions, but also the fact that it has been hanging as a ‘seal’ above the entrance of my home ever since I made it.

This work was made with acrylics, poster paint and markers.



